It has been 8 months since my mil passed away at the age of 93. Today, my dh and I went to Forest Lawn Cemetery to put flowers on his mother's and grandmother's grave. This is the first for my husband. He had accompanied his mother for years, but mostly my mil went on her own or had her helper assist her. Every Mother's Day, birthday, or Memorial Day, flowers were laid on the grave.
Today, we saw people of all different ethnic backgrounds. Some people were laying next to the site, while others were laying flowers, reminiscing, or performing religious rituals. The hillsides of this large place were filled with color. My husband carefully attended and created bouquets using the flowers from our yard and our son's native garden. I told my husband that his mom would be pleased at his creation and his attentiveness. He responded by saying, "Don't you think that she is pleased now?" Of course.
That was a very sweet thing to do, the flowers look beautiful. I bet it was a totally different feeling compared to other years with his mother at his side. ((HUGS))